The Raquel Rose

Vaccine passport

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Active member
Dec 28, 2015
We need passports to prove who we are when we travel.
We need "passports" to prove we're of age to enter bars.
We need "passports" to prove we've been trained properly to drive a car, airplane or ship, and identify us if we fuck up.
We need "passports" to prove we have been certified to perform certain jobs, and are qualified to carry out certain technical, or highly-specialized tasks.
We need "passports" to prove we've paid to enter sports or entertainment venues.
We need a "passport" to get into Costco
We need a "passport" to shop with discounts
We need a "passport" to do banking
We need a "passport" to ride transit

pussy lover

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2005
Your link refers to the same twitter article that took the study (which had many limitations and not peer reviewed ) out of context.
In their reference to, its also conveniently did not print from (which is the same out of context thing twitter did) " The researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated "
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"Marriage should be a renewable contract"
Sep 15, 2019
rant starting/

For the anti-whatevers amongst us, I'll write it again, more slowly this time so those who don't (can't, won't) understand might get it.

"You remember all those people who died recently from small pox and polio?
No. You don't. Because v a c c i n e s s t o p p e d those viruses."

You can pull twitter and internet stats out of your asses until the cows come home. You can relate your anecdotal fables about how you got covid and now you are immune to all diseases. You can dig up arcane references to this study and that study. You are in the minute minority bleating out your liberty being repressed, your fucking rights, your this your that. Fuck what a bunch of a whining fucks. And then to pass that bullshit onto your kids!

Here read a straightforward article from real medical professionals as opposed to watching some fuckhead on youtube spew verbal diarrhea:

Add to this in as plain language - a virus is a molecular machine. It adapts to find hosts. If it is in a community and finding new hosts, it continues to adapt to better fit that host. It adapts to find better ways to spread. Its payload is a disease. In this case a disease that can kill and kill it has. Because it didn't kill you does not mean it won't kill your neighbour, your mom, your sister, your kids.

Right now SARS2 has over 58 variants. The latest Delta Variant has mutated again and from the most recent WHO reports, this variant bypasses the antibodies created by those who have had covid and those vaccinated. You know why there are all those variants and why the virus continues to mutate? It is because self important, irresponsible fucks that think their "liberty" puts them above others don't give a flying fuck about others.

FUCK the fucking fucks!

/ rant concluded.
mph out.


Active member
Feb 6, 2009
99 % survival rate why should I get it honeslty. First vax cards them what. It’s a slippery slope my friend. My body my choice no vax for me or my family. Why can’t we all agree to disagree. Why now do we want to shove whatever we are told to into our bodies. I’m not antivax I just have a very hard time being told o mush do this. My employer says to do as I want and it won’t effect my job. I will not get it
He is vaxed and we talk civilly about it

Do you even understand what a 99% survival rate means in a population of 5 million?
It's not just "99% is almost as good as 100%"

BC has a population of over 5 million.
BC has had 167,654 confirmed cases of COVID (with mitigations in place).
BC has had 1,824 deaths due to COVID.
That is a survival rate of 98.912%. (when you're dealing with a population of millions, decimal places matter)
If you applied that to the population as a whole, that would total over 55,000 deaths.
In a normal year, BC has about 38,000 deaths annually.

BC has also had 8,756 patients hospitalized with COVID.
Of the confirmed COVID cases, 5.223% of them result in hospitalization.
Again, applying to the population as a whole, that would result in over a quarter of a million additional hospitalizations.

Now, you can read up on the difference between Case Fatality Ratio and the Infection Fatality Ratio (because not everyone who's infected becomes a positive stat on the COVID dashboard).
You can also realize that the statistics show very little individual risk to healthy adults under the age of 60, we acknowledge that.
But, without community-wide mitigation efforts in place, the virus is free to spread, and the Delta variant has a r0 (rate that it spreads to new hosts) that is many times higher than the original.
Letting it spread unchecked would result in a significant increase in deaths in the province and our hospital systems being completely overwhelmed.

Each infection also gives it the opportunity to mutate, as it has with the Delta variant.
COVID is highly contagious and has a relatively (compared to some other diseases) low mortality rate.
That can benefit the virus, as viruses that kill too quickly can actually reduce it's ability to spread amongst the rest of the population.

The issue is way more complex than can explained in the casual section of an escort review board.
Maybe see how many questions you can honestly answer correctly on a basic, introductory quiz from a UBC Virology textbook ( before you act like you know enough to speak above the science.
Tell me how much you know off the top of your head about eukaryotes, since you seem to be doing so much private research.

g eazy

pretentious douche
Feb 15, 2018
lol some of you guys are hilarious. people bitch about "rights" when they clearly have no idea what they do or do not have rights to, or what they even are.

and comparing "zerohedge" with do you trolls even try?

Forum mod

Jan 1, 2018
Another thread closed. Another person unable to discuss a topic without resulting in insults banned for a while. Seriously, some of you need to learn the difference between a right and a privilege. Others need to learn how to consider others opinions without becoming infantile.
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