PERB In Need of Banner
Fred Zed
Reaction score


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  • K
    Hi Fred, Please delete my account
    Hi Fred. Please delete my account
    HI Fred -

    Just some feedback on the new site. When I hit New Posts now I"m getting a range of Posts, some from just a few minutes ago, to some months ago. Am I doing something wrong? Have things changed? Thanks,

    I noticed that also. I like to just search my name to see if anything new about me or my girls and its completely out of order. You have to do an advanced search and click on "order by date" to get the posts chronologically. It would be nice if there was somewhere to make that the default for quick search. .
    Hello Fred, I am new and i want to advertise on this website i have tried to do it but really it does not work your link said click here to advertise but it just loops and goes no where. please help.
    Hey Fred,

    Could you delete my account please? I'm trying to take my life in a different direction and this account if one of the things that has to go.


    P.S. I tried to private message you but it didn't work
    I sent you a pm and it came back blank. I also sent another but I cannot see it in my sent box. I tried to send an e-transfer for advertising but I need a phone number for the recipient.

    I also feel very bad as I was not aware that I could not reply on threads without paying for advertising which I am trying to do. I replied to a thread about myself and left out anything to do with services, costs, etc, just to be mindful. But I got a pm stating that the replies were removed because I have to pay to make replies; I did not know and I am very sorry.

    Best Regards,

    Hi Fred, I am pretty sure I paid for two weeks and after a week I am no longer red??

    Please contact me.

    Hi, could you please put me back in red, there was a mistake when you cancelled my TERB account, it cancelled my PERB account at the same time, thanks! xo
    Hello Fred!!
    Just paid in full online....please turn me RED yet again!
    Hi there I have paid for advertising before with perb, but I would like to cancel my subscription, that is if i"m still paying for it, I ca't seem to figure out if I'm being billed still. What name would the billing be under, and can you see if I'm still paying. Thanks in advance
    so did you recieve my pAYMMENT OR NOT
    0k so did u recieve my payment or not
    Hello i just paid for my ad on spdir not sure what else i need to do. first time visiting your country..
    Hi Fred,

    I would like to advertise. What are the prices and what are the payment options?

    Also, I recieved this message: You have reached your stored private message quota and cannot send any further messages until space has been created.... I tried deleting all sent messages but it still didn't work. please advise.


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