Trump for President. Who's hopping on the bandwagon? Who's digging a bunker?


Jul 13, 2003
I am soooo mixed. One day, I'm on the bandwagon that at least has some momentum for shakeup and change. Then, in the morning, like a hangover that won't go away until I puke, I dig another foot deeper inmy bombshelter and stash another 2-4 of canned beans with pork. But I admit to being tremendously entertained by the whole process. Epic "up yours" to the establishment, which has been a long time coming coming, and a refreshing dose of "oh shit, now what". Checking vegas odds on all manner of disruptive interventions. Go long my Perb friends.


Dec 21, 2011
if Trump never said stupid stuff for ratings and controversy, I would pick him because he is well known, a rich businessman, and a successful person in most areas of his life it seems. However, I think he will most likely f*ck things up with his republican ways, Hilary is just plain evil, she is like an American Crusty Cunt Clark!

(PS - I am a Muslim woman with dark skin - except I don't follow/believe in religion I just come from that one and identify with it, so I can't really be open with my opinions to people I know, hopefully I stay anonymous with my comments here :spy: )


Well-known member
Mar 23, 2003
South Vancouver

Realistically though...the President is not a dictator. He can't wish policies into reality with a wave of his hand. As I understand it, his power is offset by Congress and the Supreme Court. No doubt he'd be influential but his reach would be limited.
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Nov 21, 2008
That a demagogue like Trump can get this far is a sad and indeed disturbing commentary on the extent to which America is full of poorly educated, racist and violent hate mongers with no concept of the damage that can be done by the misguided trade and foreign policy approaches Trump proposes, which have been panned by those in the know. But sadly, those same Americans don't read, listen to or understand comments from those in the know, instead getting their information from media sound bites

Build a bunker


Well-known member
Jul 18, 2011
Check your closet..:)
I'd build a bunker regardless of who wins if I lived there....


awake but not woke
Jan 2, 2006
... those in the know ...
"Those in the know" = "The Elite", who run the country and led it to where it is today. They probably actually do know and understand the world better than the mass of Trump supporters, but they have failed to remember that if they build a society that mostly serves people "in the know" like themselves, those left out or left behind will eventually revolt. The "in the know" crowd is just lucky that the revolution, so far, is working within the system, rather than trying to overthrow it.

Trump isn't the answer to the problems the US has, but I have a lot of empathy for those who will vote for him just to stick it to the elite.

If I were a US voter, come election day I'd probably vote for Clinton, and then go home and throw up.


Nov 21, 2008
That is not at all who I meant by "those in the know". Why on earth would anyone refer to politicians as "those in the know"? I meant intelligent people who actually understand things like economics, history and political science.

Cock Throppled

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2003
That a demagogue like Trump can get this far is a sad and indeed disturbing commentary on the extent to which America is full of poorly educated, racist and violent hate mongers with no concept of the damage that can be done by the misguided trade and foreign policy approaches Trump proposes, which have been panned by those in the know. But sadly, those same Americans don't read, listen to or understand comments from those in the know, instead getting their information from media sound bites

Build a bunker
It's not sad at all. It might be just what America needs.

He's simply a reaction to the years of losing jobs, false wars, the housing melt-down and the greed of Hillary Street, er, I mean Wall Street, and every CEO who pockets millions while their company's sales tank and their firms lose money, for every hedge fund manager who profits off of the misery of others and politicians who get rich off their "public service. (Hello Clintons).

Trump is essentially a protest vote against the mainstream, professional politicians (Hello Hillary, yet again) who make careers out of being politicians. Sanders is also a protest vote, but a more logical, reasoned and principled one.

Trump is a giant Fuck You to the establishment (even though he IS the establishment) simply because he's not what the system wants and he's unpredictable.

I thought, initially he had a snowball's chance in Hell, but given Crooked Hillary's ways, I'm not so sure.

Even if Trump is elected, the checks and balances will not allow him to become too reckless. Remember, the Republicans obstructed almost everything Obama tried to do. The combined Rep & Dem Senate can do the same to Trump's wackier ideas.

I also think he's pragmatic enough to know when to push, when to feint and when to compromise.
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Well-known member
May 20, 2015
It's not sad at all. It might be just what America needs.

He's simply a reaction to the years of losing jobs, false wars, the housing melt-down and the greed of Hillary Street, er, I mean Wall Street, and every CEO who pockets millions while their company's sales tank and their firms lose money, for every hedge fund manager who profits off of the misery of others and politicians who get rich off their "public service. (Hello Clintons).

Trump is essentially a protest vote against the mainstream, professional politicians (Hello Hillary, yet again) who make careers out of being politicians. Sanders is also a protest vote, but a more logical, reasoned and principled one.

Trump is a giant Fuck You to the establishment (even though he IS the establishment) simply because he's not what the system wants and he's unpredictable.

I thought, initially he had a snowball's chance in Hell, but given Crooked Hillary's ways, I'm not so sure.

Even if Trump is elected, the checks and balances will not allow him to become too reckless. Remember, the Republicans obstructed almost everything Obama tried to do. The combined Rep & Dem Senate can do the same to Trump's wackier ideas.

I hated the very idea of that loudmouth ass-clown getting very far but the more I saw the Republican establishment shitting kittens over his ascension, the more that schadenfreude compelled me to hope Trump beat all their hand-picked candidates (especially Ted Cruz).

You're right, the public are reacting to the fact that their democracy's been basically poisoned by their 1%, so the people get zero say in their country's governance. In the US political system as it stands now, donors can literally pay for special political access and can buy custom-made legislation for your special interest's cause, regardless of whether it is good or bad for the country. Instead of preventing this, the US Supreme court made a ruling which put the official stamp of approval on what is corruption of the democratic process. The US voters have sought candidates that seem to be outside this process and might provide and antidote to it. Trump is a rude jerk with no inside voice plus zero governing experience, but he is self-funded, so people perceive him as having no puppet strings on him and give him their support. Maybe that assumption is a mistake, and if given power he'd fuck them over too, but in the meantime, they are really enjoying the fact that he puts a chill down the spine of their political orthodoxy. Sanders too - he's probably too radical/eccentric for most voters, but the hunger is there for someone who - unlike Clinton - is not seen as connected to the same 1% Wall Street interests. Sanders does not draw funding from such crooked sources; he has no friends at the nation's country clubs; he is not one of "them". Even if that is too simplistic, that is how supporters see him. So he continues to roll on, a jester in the Democratic court, mocking Hillary's coronation.

What do I prefer? Like most Canadians, I will just sit in the global audience and try to be entertained by what unfolds. :dizzy:
(Although if Trump does win, maybe the US military should hide that nuclear football somewhere where Donnie can't find it.)

Hugh Jass

May 11, 2015
The media talking heads are completely flummoxed because no matter what shit they bring up on him and how hard they hammer it, the more popular Trump becomes. The American public sees the media as in the pockets of the elite and to some extent they are right....there are so many connected dots from large media organizations to members in the Democratic government.

ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.

CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.

ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to former Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney

ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary

ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood

CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.

Not saying that Trump is not a buffoon but he is unlike anything that has ever run for political office in America before. He doesnt act like any politician we have ever seen and the American public which has been screwed time and time again by the elite 1% and their media spokespeople are eating it up.

Hugh Jass

May 11, 2015
You cannot get any traction in the politics of empires unless you have the support of the ruling class. And if the people rise up in revolt and cast down the elites, they just raise up a new group as elites.
And the current Russian regime is a direct result of the Revolution of 1917 when they threw out the Tsar and replaced him with Stalin and Lenin and created the communist elites and we have seen how well that worked out for the everyday Russian. Sorta sucks doesn't it but well, maybe sooner or later it will work, you just cant give up trying.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
I am in DC right now at a friend's house.
Everyone I have spoken with is very anti Trump and worried about a Trump presidency.
I have seen exactly one Trump supporter. He's an idiot high schooler who IMO is just trying to annoy his parents.

BTW, off topic, but one lady I met said she wished the US had gun laws like Canada. We asked her why and she started crying, her son was at UCLA a few doors away from the shooting. She tried for four hours to reach him before she knew he was okay. She was really upset. I felt terrible for her.


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
I am a Muslim woman with dark skin - except I don't follow/believe in religion I just come from that one and identify with it, so I can't really be open with my opinions to people
There's a guy in front of the White House that looks like bin Laden. He holds up a big scroll written in Arabic and rants in Arabic. My friends say he's a fixture there, been doing it for ages, he is completely nuts. But it demonstrates a degree of tolerance that he is allowed to carry on doing so. There are hundreds of Uniform Secret Service and other police around, none of them tell him to STFU or GTFO. We asked one of the uniform guys about him and he laughed, said the guy is just ranting nonsense and everyone knows it. Just another local "character".

Wish I could post a pic of him!


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
In Lust Mostly
I'm amazed that Trump's lack of knowledge on issues or waffling on many issues hasn't been called out by the media pundits, critics or supporters. Why? Only reason I can think of is American's are sick of the status quo and the disfunctional Congress. I think they want someone to tip it upside down and start anew.

This election is the strangest one I've seen in my life. The Republican Party is noticeably absent and Paul Ryan's Luke warm support of Trump was astounding.


Jul 27, 2003
There's a guy in front of the White House that looks like bin Laden. He holds up a big scroll written in Arabic and rants in Arabic. My friends say he's a fixture there, been doing it for ages, he is completely nuts. But it demonstrates a degree of tolerance that he is allowed to carry on doing so. There are hundreds of Uniform Secret Service and other police around, none of them tell him to STFU or GTFO. We asked one of the uniform guys about him and he laughed, said the guy is just ranting nonsense and everyone knows it. Just another local "character".

Wish I could post a pic of him!
This guy? The poster thought he was scary but everyone in the video seems to be ignoring him.


New member
Sep 9, 2009
It's not that I like Trump, it's just that I hate the Democrats candidates even more. I do not envy the American voters having to choose between dumb and dumber. If I was an American I might consider sitting this election out


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2004
cancowboy, yes that is him. I was surprised to see him but like you said, nobody else cared.

Re Trump getting asked tough questions: He got asked one about his claims of raising money for veterans. His response was to call the reporter a sleazebag and go on a rant about the mean old media picking on him. He gets asked lots of tough questions and this is his default response.
Don't blame the media, as Trump wants you to, blame Trump for obfuscation and diversion instead of honesty and openness.

A woman asked me yesterday if it was true Canada was going to build a wall and make America pay!

And Justin Trudeau is insanely popular here. Almost everyone says something positive about him, and how lucky we are to have him. Considering the choices they have, yes, we are.
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