Jordan @ Indy's Secret

Fuzzy Thumper

Terminally Twitterpated
Dec 20, 2004
…Well, ok, not AT I.S. as much as FROM I.S., but you know what I’m saying. As for what to say about Ms. Jordan?

Very pretty young lady. VERY pretty. With long blonde hair, soft girl curves, and a bright smile. She wore a bright blue dress that showed everything off to the fullest. Quite yummy. :D

Pleasant and easy to be around. Bubbly and happy to talk to… seems kind as well (with the exception of letting me walk out with my garments inside out… naughty minx :eek: ;) ).

Does not like rabbits. Well, to be fair, more like "does not like to play the tickle game with rabbits" (not entirely uncommon or unexpected, especially with the younger ladies, but we always hope...). Bloody shame, that, because what scraps there were to be had were awesome. :(

Hopefully Ms. Jordan finds many visitors more to her liking here during her stay… she really seemed like a sweet girl.

Happy thumping, all!
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