Hamas Leader Killed - shit about to hit fan


Exploring Member
Jan 25, 2004
Here. There. Everywhere.
Yep... but it always goes in spurts... something'll happen, the Americans will try to step in and it'll cool off for awhile and then something will happen... you know the drill...

Ophelia Black

touch my kimchee
Mar 2, 2004
This is going to be much, much worse than we've seen for a long time.

We're going to need that damn cruise. :(

Hey Catalyn - your PM box is full...and I gots a note for ya.


Professional nice guy
May 17, 2002
In another time zone
From BBC news:
"This is the moment Sheikh Yassin dreamed about," he said.

"Sheikh Yassin lived and died and offered his life to Palestine. Sheikh Yassin was a hero and a fighter and the leader of a nation, and [he] is in heaven now."


"The battle is open and war between us and them is open. They are the killers of prophets and today they killed an Islamic symbol," said senior Hamas political leader Abdul Aziz al Rantissi.
So now the Israeli government has turned Yassin into a martyr. Yeah, real smart move... :rolleyes:

This is going to get real ugly real quick, and probably lots of innocent civilians (both Israelis and Palestinians) are going to suffer as a result. :(


Cock Throppled

Well-known member
Oct 1, 2003
I give up trying to understand. These people are all morons. Each side is as bad as the other and they have so much hatred there is no possible solution. I always thought, growing up that the Middle East and its problems would lead to the end of the world. That likelihood is closer now.


Nov 28, 2003
Lower Mainland
Cock Throppled said:
I give up trying to understand. These people are all morons. Each side is as bad as the other and they have so much hatred there is no possible solution. I always thought, growing up that the Middle East and its problems would lead to the end of the world. That likelihood is closer now.
You know there was a time in the 80's when I was impressed with Israeli actions, you now Entebi and such but over the last few years I find little difference between one side that uses suicide bombers to kill innocent people and another side that punishes the families of the suicide bombers and has no regard for the safety of civilians when it attacks...

As others have said in this thread the hatred runs so deep in this region (on both sides) that i see it as virtually impossible to resolve, I mean there is a whole generation that all they have grown up with is this shit...

Sad is all I can say


Ophelia Black

touch my kimchee
Mar 2, 2004
There is a point where a culture or society as a whole can be assessed like an individual, and unfortunately, for many, many, many heart-breaking reasons, I think Palestinian culture is effectively sociopathic.

Israel isn't terribly far behind.


Nov 28, 2003
Lower Mainland
It would appear that both sides main concern is destroying the other regardless of the cost to themselves so OB you are correct.



Hobbyist - Prof. in Oral
Mar 9, 2004
Central Jersey
I have the most compassion for the children growing up with such hatred, on both sides! How can they ever break the cycle of hate and bloodshed? The only thing I've been able to do is to not allow racism or bigotry in my home. It's a start but certainly not enough.


Dec 10, 2003
Miami BABY!!!!
Holy wars

To truly understand the problems in the middle east we must go back 1500 years. When the Holy Roman empire decided that all other religions were obsolete. Wars over religion have been fought in that area of the earth since the dawn on mankind, hoever the mass genicide that the early christian church imposed on the world, can be compared to the atrosities comitted by the great devils of the 20th centruy.

Move forward about 500 to 1000 years and we have the holy-crusades. How many Muslims, or other ethic people died at the hands of the Kinghts that we're sent to protect the crusaders from harm. Now don't get me wrong I am not excusing the other side. thousands of christians died at the hands of the 'heretics'. I quote that word beauce its foundation I do not agree with.

Fast forward to the 20th-21st century. America is the new imperialist gov't trying to impose it's rule over the world. Unfortunaly althought the concept of true democracy is great, you would have to remove from the memories of millions of peoples, all the injustice that has been suffered through the past 2000 years. People in the Middle East see another 'ism' trying to be imposed on them and well they fight, because it is the only thing they have known since they were born.

Holy wars have no end and no begining and really no place in a natural world. 'My god is bigger than your god so I will hurt you to prove it...' I mean what kind of world do we live in that this is still going on.

The mess in the middle east is beyond my comprehension, beyond mosts humans comprehesion....

I do know this though... American interference will not bring and end to violence, and the sad part is... if America were to pull out... what then, would violence stop? I'm affraid not because the other side would fight to the death as well.

Just my 2 cents in a battle that as far as I can see has no forseable end.



Nov 21, 2003
Strange, my first posting, and it has nothing to do with the real reason we are all on this board. Since this is a sounding board, and all you need is an opinion, and as long as you have some respect for the board you can voice your feelings. The only problem that I have with this is that most readers only get their information from headlines and soundbites. Its a bit more complex than that. Lets get something straight. To say both sides are equally guilty, is nothing more than political correctness run amok. Odd scenario, but bare with me. Just imagine you move into a new neighbourhood and decide its just what you are looking for. You decide to raise a family, but just as soon as your first child is born, every neighbour in your area, as well as their friends in adjacent areas and all their relatives decide that they not only want you to leave, they want to kill your child, you, all your family members both living and not yet born, and will go to whatever length needed to accomplish this task. Nevermind, that for every member of your family, they have 50 in theirs, and that instead of trying to educate themselves and improve their quality of life, they much prefer to keep their less fortunate family members cold and hungry and blame it on you. Well without sounding trite, this is essentially what the middle east has become. I hate killing and violence, BUT I do believe in self defence. The western world publicly denounces Israel, but privately wish they could deal with their sworn enenies with such swift measures. Let me go on record as saying that Israel did not invade Arab nations in 1948 when the UN mandated them as a nation. Israel did not shut the Suez Canal in 1956. Israel did not amass 500,000 troops around their country in 1967. Israel did not attack any Moslem country on Ramadan as they were invaded in 1973 by their neighbourson their holiest of days Yom Kippur. Israel actually has elections, a vibrant economy, freedom, and gives all their citizens regardless of ethnicity or religeon. I don't recall any group of Israelis carrying out terrorist activities. Yes Israel is now rolling around in the muck and mire of death and violence, but only because it doesn't have a choice. Annialation is not an option. It was tried 70 years ago. It didn't succeed then and it won't now.
Well, got that off my chest, feel better now


Nov 28, 2003
Lower Mainland
zaig said:
I don't recall any group of Israelis carrying out terrorist activities.
Hmm while I certainly don't want to get into an argument about all this since I really don't support either side certainly not terror bombings of innocent people but I do recall agents if the Israeli state murdering people in foriegn countries and at least in one case the WRONG person. Call it espionage/murder/terrorism... who cares if you are dead...

Both sides have had opportunites to move towards peace and both seem incapable of doing so.. the result is all too plain to see, who is right, who cares if you all end up dead....


yeah and it is an odd topic for this board


Nov 21, 2003
Oberon, I too do not want to get into an argument. I never intimated Israel is totally blameless, and that they have never carried out clandestine activities. But from what I know and have read I don't recall Israeli agents blowing up pizza parlors or train stations or, o you get the point, killing innocent people. I hate the term collataral damage, but Israel has never targeted INNOCENT civilians.
Thats it for me, lets get back to the ladies.

Ophelia Black

touch my kimchee
Mar 2, 2004
When being right is more important than your children being alive, something has gone terribly, terribly wrong.


Hobbyist - Prof. in Oral
Mar 9, 2004
Central Jersey
Ophelia, apparently, these people feel more strongly for their religion than they do for their own children. I am incapable of understanding those feelings. My children mean the world to me.


Had enough...now retired!
Dec 2, 2003
From the moment the child is born they are indoctrinated with the religious beliefs and hatred for their enemies that it blinds them to see anything else. By intertwining the two (religion and hatred) they believe that giving their life to kill their enemies would secure them in the afterlife with God. Sadly, it is extremely hard to change their perspective on this and the innocent pay the price.


Exploring Member
Jan 25, 2004
Here. There. Everywhere.
But you know, Calgary69, people have said they should fight religion with religion... namely, the same religion. Authorities have started putting pig lard in Israeli busses now so that if there's a suicide bomber who hits a bus with pig lard, they won't end up spending the eternal afterlife with Allah because they touched a pig or pig by-product prior to dying...


Hard Throbbing Member
Nov 11, 2002
zaig said:
Just imagine you move into a new neighbourhood and decide its just what you are looking for. You decide to raise a family, but just as soon as your first child is born, every neighbour in your area, as well as their friends in adjacent areas and all their relatives decide that they not only want you to leave, they want to kill your child, you, all your family members both living and not yet born, and will go to whatever length needed to accomplish this task.
In this scenario, the obvious missing plot hole is why the neighbors are so pissed off at the new guy in the first place?

Could it be because the newbie barged in without asking "would you be my neighbor"? Because he forced out a beloved family who has lived in the house for centuries by claiming that his ancestors once lived there 2000 years ago, therefore it's his place?

Not really taking sides here, but just being devil's advocate so that both sides of the story are realized.


Exploring Member
Jan 25, 2004
Here. There. Everywhere.
Taking sides...

wolverine said:

Not really taking sides here, but just being devil's advocate so that both sides of the story are realized.
I don't think people are really "taking sides" (I hope I'm not sounding like I'm taking sides) but I think most people realize that both sides are at fault - and both sides are right; however, I think that while most people outside of the region (who do not have a vested interested or is emotionally involved) can take an objective look at the situation and understand both side's perspective. It is unfortunate that the people in the middle of the conflict can't step back and evaluate the situation from a different perspective... it's truly unfortunate.
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