Christmas Miracle? Pigeon Messiah Born to be Born in Soggy Dog Crate on Balcony?

Dec 31, 2006
Ok so I have a really strange situation on my hands. I have this crappy little balcony with no view so I never use it and always have the curtains drawn. I had forgotten that at some point, a few months ago, I put my dog's travel crate/outdoor house out there and then forgot about it. I remembered today and knowing that there was a dog mat in it that was probably a disgusting mess, I went out to clean it up and toss what needed to be tossed.

To my utter surprise I found 2 eggs in it but no sign of a bird really close at hand. There was a pigeon sitting on the next balcony though.

I called a friend who knows a little about birds to find out if t'is the season to be a-nesting, but she thought not and suggested that I keep an eye on it to see if the bird comes back. I checked, and sure enough, the bird is now firmly planted on the eggs.

It's really quite a messy site, and I feel badly for my neighbour, who might well enjoy the rather urban view and I would very much like to get rid of the whole mess, but I just can't bring myself to toss it, despite the fact that I eat eggs daily. I am an atheist, but who knows, it could be some kind of pigeon miraculous messiah birth and I don't want to be the one to kick Mary out of the inn. I may be a Christmas Curmudeon but I'm no Pontius Pilate/Nasty Inn Keeper.

What to do?


Jul 15, 2008
It's a Sign of Good Fortune!

So, don't toss them!

...I just can't bring myself to toss it, despite the fact that I eat eggs daily.
If I were in your shoes -- and you have some really nice shoes, but I digress :eek: -- I couldn't do it either. The eggs we pick up at Safeway are not inseminated and are lifeless; these eggs probably are alive...

Irresistible Isabelle said:
I am an atheist, but who knows, it could be some kind of pigeon miraculous messiah birth and I don't want to be the one to kick Mary out of the inn. I may be a Christmas Curmudeon but I'm no Pontius Pilate/Nasty Inn Keeper.

What to do?
Negotiate a deal with the pigeon parent -- in return for the shelter you afford the family, you get naming rights (you can do better than Jesu and James, right?), fortune and fame, not to mention perpetual immunity on any and all naughty deeds past and future :p.

If they don't hatch after 2 weeks -- fry them for breakfast...


New member
Sep 2, 2008
Happily Ever After!
This happened to me in Calgary. In my cat's litter box, LOL. I let them have four different sets of babies, over a year, but don't let it happen in the hot summer. (found dirty little bugs in my entire apartment from the birds nest in the litter box.) You are fine in this cold. (most likely the eggs won't survive this cold, anyway)

I bought them their own Cat litter box and moved the eggs to that one. It won't take long for them to hatch (a few weeks). Put some bird seed and water out for the mom/dad. In about a month or two, all the moms, aunts and sisters will come to help teach the babies to fly. A few hours a day, you will have a gaggle out there for the flying lessons. Its really cute, actually.

Once it makes the first leap and learns to fly, they will want to keep coming back to the nest, until their wings get stronger and they learn to fly longer and longer. I let them for two weeks, then I removed everything from the balcony, so they didn't have a place to nest again. It is fun, the first time. Messy. but worth it!

Keep us updated!:)

They are so cute!
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