Asian Fever

Asian Mircros K-Girls and Human Traffiking


Sep 9, 2008
What % of these set up by human traffickers? I seen a K-Girl once and it was not a good experience and I get the vibe the whole thing is a sex slave ring. Would never go to these things again ever.


Active member
The term 'human trafficking' is emotive and ill-defined. And without knowing what definition you use for 'human trafficking', it is difficult to answer this question.
If you are using a broad definition whereby women are recruited overseas and their airfares paid for so they can come and work on some sort of contract, then it is certainly quite widespread. But so therefore is the 'human trafficking' in many other industries such as hospitality, mining, forestry, fast food industry, healthcare, farming and so on.
Think of the number of Aussies that have been trafficked here and are now slaving in Whistler...

But, if you are referring to the number that have been mislead and forced into the industry against their own will, then the number is probably very small. Some figures given regarding the industry suggest that the majority of human trafficking of SPs is from within Canada, particularly of First Nations women. So, you need to be careful of those operations who don't have women from outside of Canada as well. But again, it depends on how you define trafficking and it is an area where it is very difficult to have accurate statistics. However, I am very confident that the majority of ladies who advertise on this forum and actively participate, are NOT trafficked. So, there are still plenty of options out there if this is an ethical issue you are struggling with.

Are there any ladies who wish to disagree with me as they feel they have been trafficked?


New member
Oct 26, 2010
It doesn't apply to people who come here on their own to work illegally. The Aussies working illegally in whistler fall into that category. They are simply illegal foreign workers. They come into the country on visitor visas and find work in service industry jobs when they get here to finance their stay.

Trafficking only applies to those who have paid someone to smuggle them in or get them in by fraud, or who are in some sort of debt or obligation to those sorts of people. It doesn't involve exclusively the adult industry, most trafficked individuals are doing some other sort of work, not sex work.

In the vast majority of cases where SPs are here from Asia working illegally the situation falls within the generally accepted meaning of trafficking, since there is almost always criminal elements involved who are arranging and co-ordinating it. A peasant from some village in China or where ever, who speaks no or very little English, simply does not back her bags and sneak into a foreign country to work as an SP all on her own without someone else arranging everything for an extremely fat fee or share of the proceeds. It just does not happen, and anyone who is naïve enough to think that, well, I have some mighty fine bridges I am sure you would be very interested in buying.


Active member
The Aussies aren't working here illegally. Between being a Commonwealth country and the various work exchange programmes available, most of them are legal.

In terms of SPs from Asia, I'm not sure that the majority are bought in by criminal elements, although some portion are. However, I don't know that it is the majority that you suggest it is.
These ladies move around the different countries in Asia and my impression is that the knowledge and contacts for someone working in say Hong Kong (who may originally have come from China) to then move onto Canada before heading somewhere else, are available without necessarily been part of a criminal organisation. Maybe someone like Sonny can enlighten us as to how many of these ladies are recruited and come into the country.

I know some of them are simply on student permits, while others are on visitor visas. But how they are recruited or otherwise make connection with the establishments here, that I'm not sure. I'm not convinced that the scenario you outline in your last para Tugela, is by any means the vast majority of cases.
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