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The death of Harvi Wallbanger


Jul 15, 2008
It's official - I am retiring from the industry on December 17th - which is also International Red Umbrella Day.
For me, it seemed fitting to put my SW alter ego to rest, on a day marked for ending violence against SWers.
We will be handing out free red umbrella stickers for people who want to show their support (while supplies last).
Don't know what the red umbrella is? You can learn more here

Trust me when I say, I did not come to this decision lightly, or without effort to delay the inevitable thing
I fought tooth and nail against, but knew deep down what I really wanted - even if others needed me to not.

For decades I have mentored 1000s of people entering this industry to jot out pros/cons and an exit strategy -
I had one too - I am going to write a book, and maybe try my hand at real estate.
It doesn't matter if your plans of what to do next change, and it doesn't matter if you do not know what they are exactly.
(No, I am not writing a book, but I will be blogging for fun - nor am I intending to go into real estate).

The fact is, you should always be checking in with yourself- Do I really want to be doing this?
Never forget - there are always other options. We all survived before it, we will all survive after it,
and we will all have an end date in it. This is not a forever job for most of us, even if we think we want it to be at times.

What will happen to ... its assets are going up for sale.
That might be as a unit or pieced off - either way, I will not be here come the new year.

So... If you or any friends have always wanted to run their own agency,
if you know any amazing providers who you want to sponsor to do so...
A unique opportunity is coming up for someone special.
For a complete turnkey option or possibility to piece out assets.

As always you can exchange numbers with providers you book (if they so wish),
but please do not call to ask for someone's number or to pass along your contact info
- like anyone else, we do not work for free.

As sad or end of an era as this may feel (and for others, I am sure pure bliss) I appreciate and acknowledge all of your feelings.
Please feel free to write an email if you have something you wish me to read, but please keep in mind I have a very busy few months ahead -
so I will read it, and appreciate it, but might not possibly be able to reply in a timely manner.

We have some really lovely new providers, and some fabulous tours and plan to finish up the year strong.
I am so thankful for the things I have achieved, the lifelong friendships I have gained and the experiences
this career has given me, thank you all so very much - you will be missed.

Sincerely, Ms.Harvi Wallbanger


Jul 15, 2008
I am sorry I have not had a chance to update this thread in a while,
to say I have been busy - would be an understatement - but that's always been the case ;)

As much as I would have loved for the space on Douglas to stay as a turnkey option for local
independent providers, it is not something within my control. It's a lot to run an escort agency,
not a job I would recommend for anyone who wants to maintain a healthy work/life balance at least.

There are a few horses in the race for the space, and I do sincerely hope that it can be used for the
community in the future, but again - not something I have much say / control over, other than my exit.

Aside from the space on Douglas Street, and the blowout asset sale there are a few other things
still up for grabs - that have not been finalized, so you will have to stay tuned for those updates.

Mainly domain names, a website, pro tools for checking real-time availability and making
pre-booking requests online, and of course, those great numbers you all have memorized
or saved as "plumber" on your phone ;)

Honestly, I don't know- Ideally, I'd like to be out of the Douglas Street location sooner than later.
If someone buys all the beds/furniture on Sunday, Nov.19th - then that will speed things up.

We also work with providers who have their own locations, as well as many who have their
direct contact info on their escort pages @ - as for phone services -
that will depend on who buys them - the goal is that they will stay active for someone's business.
Website / Domain names - same thing - I currently have 3 people interested in them - so we will see.

Absolutely - I have made many friends over the years and I would love to stay in touch.
You can connect with me where I am currently writing / blogging - MY DAMN TALES

Well, you have always had the opportunity to accept/ask for their contact info,
but again - many do have this on their pages already - so just look :) Others
who do not, well you should book them sooner than later - preferably online ;)

As always I will stay honest and transparent, and continue to help where I can.
My availability is limited, but I am around in one way or another until the end of the year.
Email, call or book online - Ill get back to you as soon as I can <3

(x )( X) ~ Harvi
Ashley Madison
Vancouver Escorts