Carman Fox

HOT MELINA from Surrey L.L


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2006
In Lust Mostly
I'm very new at this so if anyone of you cool Fellas knows anything about this Girl..please let me know..Thanks..Leos
Before you post a 411, it's a good idea to do some leg work on your own.

Such as reverse image check with Tineye or Google.

Then, check the review section by typing 5293 in the search bar.

No hits or reviews? Then post the 411 giving the URL link to her ad and or last 4 digits of her phone number.

You will find people are more willing to help you if you at least do the above steps.

Oh, and this one is using stolen pics. Pretty much a guarantee the 22 yr old woman in the pics is not the one who will greet you behind the door.
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