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Thanks, an observation and a review


New member
May 28, 2003
Toronto Area
Thanks for the info on the board.

As a visiting TERB member, your help is greatfully acknowledged in introducing me to the Deja Vu ladies.

First an observation - how do you guys put up with the laws at your nudie bars? My God, no lap dancing, 3 feet between you and the girl and even 3 feet between 2 girls on stage.
Man you guys are seriously missing out on the fun we have in Ontario, especially the Niagara Falls area if you can ever get out there. Lap dancing that verys from rub and grind all the way to FS.
Now to be fair you boys have the best of both worlds at your massage places, that is for sure.

This leads me to my Wednesday night in town.
Ventured out to St. Petes for a couple of beers.
Got bored so I flipped a coin between Cloud Nine and Deja VU based on the PERB input and Deja Vu won.

Rolled in without an appointment and was greeted by the tiniest Goddess I have ever seen named Mona.

Absolutely beautiful lady of 5 to 5 foot one, large chest for her height (all natural), fantastic shape (says from belly dancing) and a smile that won't quit and melts your heart.

She invited me in to a tub room, agreed on an hour's time and hopped into the tub. Sorry, but here is where I cut the line on details (you can check out my reviews on TERB and AdultMB - Windsor). Out of respect for Mona and the survival of the spa, let me just say that I had the best time of my life in a massage spa.
We have some great spas in Toronto but Mona made this visit a lasting memory.

So much so that I went back on Thursday night for another hour.
Based on what I have seen posted on the board I probably overpaid at $2-1/2 but I have paid the same for less in TO.
Second time around, now that she recognized me (and I was flattered that she did) we made like rockets and launched ourselves to the moon. Simply incredible.
The woman truly enjoys herself, is infectious with her charm and pleasing abilities. If you show her respect and attention she responds 10 fold.

Fortunately I only get to Edmonton every 3 or 4 months otherwise I would go broke seeing her.
Although based on the reviews it seems I need to see Ocean and Kitty and Nikki and Amy and etc, etc, etc.

So for the Edmonton box score:
Nudie Bars (as far as play goes) - Two big thumbs down
Nudie Bars (as far as the beauty of the dancers and the serving staff go) - WOW Two hard thumbs up (I am in love with two of the Crazy Horse waitresses.
Massage Spa - Deja Vu - Two thumbs up for the place.
Mona - Ten thumbs worth of UP. Like Arnold says - I'll be back.

Thanks for the western hospitality and all of the info from the board.
If anyone needs any input on the South-Western Ontario to Toronto scene, just ask.



New member
May 28, 2003
Toronto Area
Thanks Jim!

Yes, we do have a lot of fun in Windsor.

Do you think we can start a karoake night in Edmonton with all of the escorts and MPA's?

Won't do much for me as I will only be able to get out there 2 or 3 times a year.
But it might be a great thing for you local guys.

Man I still have such great memories of Mona.

Party on Edmonton PERBites!



New member
May 11, 2002
Over 2 hands plus a mouthful big
Re: Thanks Jim!

Kascha_Fan said:

Do you think we can start a karoake night in Edmonton with all of the escorts and MPA's?

Hey Kascha,

I doubt it very highly that a "Tom Foolerys" type event or even a M&G would work here.

First off, most of the SPs in "E" town are MPA's unlike Windsor's scene where they are Independent Escorts. I have seen VERY LITTLE evidence of even 1% of the SP level of commradery evident in Windsor here in Edmonton.

Secondly, I may be wrong but I don't think that the client mix in Edmonton is the same. Here I would assume 90% is local, where as in Windsor somewhat over 50% is not. I would venture to say that the success of such an event is due in large part to the US customers. Personally I wouldn't feel comfortable going to such an event in my city but would consider going to one in Windsor on my next visit.
Vancouver Escorts