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Getting Reacquainted...


New member
Jan 27, 2003

I’m unknown here, but used to be a regular poster on TBD at one time when I was exxxtremely active within the hobby. My dalliances are now few and far between, but I did have a brief interlude recently and the young lady specifically asked me to post a review if I would be so kind, preferably here.

I haven’t looked yet, but I think she may have already posted something about herself. Anyway... I’ve heard positive things about perb for a while now and am happy to contribute. Being new, I’m not sure what the rules are with regard to posting intimate info, so if I breach any of them I fully accept having the moderator delete or modify anything deemed inappropriate.

I assume the review does not belong in this section, so I’ll place in within the Vancouver Reviews. Wishing the board and its moderator all the best.
Ashley Madison
Vancouver Escorts