Asian Fever



Cougar in training
May 12, 2002
Here, and not there!!
Hello all!!
I had heard some rumours over on the canbest sight about Deja Vu and some of the girls over there. I had tried to reply and dispell some of the rumours...but I guess the moderators didn't want to post it :(
If anybody has any questions or concerns regarding the rumours ...or anything else....I would be more than happy to let you in on the latest gossip!! lol
One of the rumours was that the girls at Deja Vu were fined and that we were closed down. We weren't shut down at all.....but there was a day last week that I was late. The studio didn't open until 11!! My fault!!!:( As for the fines...there was an incident with one of the girls regarding an out call....but that had nothing to do with the studio.
If any of you kind gentlemen have questions, concerns, or complaints, you can e-mail the owner from the Deja Vu website or call the studio and ask for me or Candy. Either of us will do our best to straighten any issues out for you!!
Phone: 444-4974
Later boys!!


Hard Throbbing Member
Nov 11, 2002
That's not bad as the one about Sidney@Fantasy having a stalker ex-boyfriend staking out her customers.

I think these rumors are started by rival SPs posing as customers here and at CanBest. I think we need to share some telltale signs of such a poster. Remember that topic I started recently, asking about certain MPs at Wild Rose? At least one person posted only once and only to sing the praises of one of the girls in that thread...very suspicious indeed.
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