Carman Fox

Courtney Cuddles

El Tigre

Dec 6, 2002
I just had the pleasure of visiting Courtney for the 1st time. What a pleasure from when I 1st emailed her to when I left her penthouse. Unlike so many others, she replied promptly, and kept in touch by phone with enticing conversations that had me increasingly excited about meeting her. I arrived at her door at the appointed hour to be greeted by a lovely fun loving lady, who proceeded to make me more comfortable than I've been in a long while. I won't go into detail in the interest of discretion, but suffice to say that this young man left after 2 glorious hours, a very happy camper. I know who I'm going to see the next time I'm up in beautiful Vancouver. Thank you, again, Courtney for sharing yourself with me.


Nov 27, 2002
we all thought after bighunter or neo or whoever he is busted for posting self promotion review/spam. people will stop to abuse this board and other boards similar to this for their personal gains. if you think yourself as a good provider you won't need to pull this kind of spam to promote yourself.:eek:

El Tigre

Dec 6, 2002
Give your head a shake johndoe

For the life of me, I can't see how an account of a pleasant encounter with a lovely lady can automatically be called spam. Do you have some basis for your allegation, and if you do, please share it with the rest of us. By the way, a search of "johndoe" reveals someone who joined PERB in November and has already made 45, mostly inane, semi-literate posts. Do you have a life away from your computer screen ?? Have a Merry Christmas, and get away from those massage parlours. Private boutique escorts are almost always a better experience. Maybe one day, even you might want to post something nice. I won't even accuse you of spamming.
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